The pain in having newly braided pubes, braided tightly enough and regularly enough to induce alopecia… just wax, my bro. Just splurge on laser removal.
The pain in having newly braided pubes, braided tightly enough and regularly enough to induce alopecia… just wax, my bro. Just splurge on laser removal.
Mudder documentaries?
Have you never heard of the Hero of Canton?
It depends on the 9 and 11 year old, but I saw Interview With The Vampire when it came out when I was 10, and I read the book at 12…
Are the nieces interested in spooky shit, or scifi, or fantasy? That might help you refine your picks.
I had a dream this morning that I had a sweet summer fling with the guy that played Wilson on House MD? He really loved me, and my actual real life husband was supportive but very confused in the dream. Then it turned into a variety show/dance review and I’m never going to be able to watch House again.
Maybe not the worst, but very timely.
I have no idea. I stole the photo from a duckduckgo image search, which is an awful way to do things.
My take is that the cops fed raw surveillance data into their trusty Crime Computer and fully trusted the result. It’s a super common silhouette when the daily high temp is in the 30s. Lol.
Here’s a better one. NYPD doesn’t know what the fuck they’re after.
There’s !justpost@lemmy.world, but there’s another one that gets downvoted all the time where it’s just one person saying violent stuff about their day in a community they moderate. Dude built the perfect rage room, and I can’t remember what it’s called.
Bananas act as egg substitutes. Add to any sweet baked thing, like waffles or pancakes.
Edit: peel them first, and put them on a plate in the freezer before you stick them in a freezer bag. It’s much less intimidating when you don’t have to deal with peeling a shitty slimy frozen banana.
Edit edit: Muffins are superior.
I give myself a “Dammit, Steve” from Life Aquatic maybe twice a week. I’m a woman, and my name isn’t Steve.
I’ve also got a lot of mileage out of, “everyone knows when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and umption.”
•Don’t be a dick
•No means no
•An additional elusive third thing. I’m a big fan of the laws of thermodynamics. Maybe those.
Sometimes my dog takes a shit that smells exactly like Nair.
Sign up with iNaturalist for plant and animal identification! Citizen science is good for you.
Sports. I do not care. And keywords futa, yiff, and ecchi.
It’s slag.
Beautiful work, but inhaling the silica, talc, and magnesium at high temp is probably not advisable for your lungs. I know soapstone has been used for pipes and cookware for tens of thousands of years, but please be safe.