I am looking at switching to Linux soon. I really want to be able to keep playing my old WH40k games and my City of heroes and my other MMOs. So you are telling me these will run fine on Linux? I am new at this Linux thing so forgive me.
I am looking at switching to Linux soon. I really want to be able to keep playing my old WH40k games and my City of heroes and my other MMOs. So you are telling me these will run fine on Linux? I am new at this Linux thing so forgive me.
is there a “imverybadass” community?
Gates is right. I am a teacher right now and the county has an AI that they asked us to use for lessons and planning. I tried to explain to the other teachers that we are training the AI to do our jobs, They laughed at me. My prediction is that one teacher will manage 4 or 5 classrooms with each room having an assistant to manage the kids. That one teacher will set up lesson and monitor progress. That eliminates 3 to 4 teaching positions. In my county I am making 68k a year and an assistant makes about about 25 to 30k. That means you can hire 2 maybe 3 for the price of me. If you place the assistants on 35 hours a week then no benefits. Hell you could even hire an outside company to do the assistants just like we do the cafeteria and just give them a lump sum to man those positions. The poor kids in the future are fucked.
How to remove your data from 23andMe
I wish I could. I have been trying to get my account back for months.
I have a lifetime STO account and I like to do a taskforce every now and then. Maybe I should just keep a machine that runs my MMOs and do everything else on the Linux machine. EDIT–I just looked this up and it will run through Steam