Is no one aware of Fedora Media Writer? It’s FOSS and the most trustworthy ISO burning software in existence. It’s only issue is that its named as if it is written only for producing Fedora bootable media. It works for everything.
Is no one aware of Fedora Media Writer? It’s FOSS and the most trustworthy ISO burning software in existence. It’s only issue is that its named as if it is written only for producing Fedora bootable media. It works for everything.
GrapheneOS is both secure and private. It also supports hardware based attestation (No need for SafetyNet). It’s just that mediocre people who develop these apps do not wish to support freedom respecting platforms.
Don’t bother videos against GrapheneOS. The lead of GrapheneOS has autism and he lacks social skills. This creates endless loop of hate talk between some YouTubers and GrapheneOS.
As a technical project, GOS is far superior and it is the most secure OS on the planet right now. The lead of the GOS has developed hardened malloc and various other security solutions that is now baked into GrapheneOS. So I would ask people to enjoy the project rather than stimulating more fuss against the project.
I agree SimpleX is superior protocol. I use it to share text between my devices. But I’m little bit hesitant to recommend it to friends and family because it is VC funded. Until SimpleX becomes non-profit or alternative implementation of SimpleX protocol starts showing up, I won’t use it as my main IM.
This is why I like GrapheneOS on phone. It is hardened and secure, but never gets in the way of your work. Everything works as it should. Kicksecure is the closest on the desktop space, though Fedora is also reasonably secure.
I think it depends on maintainer of the device. For me personally, LineageOS has broken a basic workflow like having Signal voice/video call. None of the IM apps are able to pick audio from microphone on my device (and various other models as well) due to a bug in LineageOS for almost 6 months. I regret installing it.
Signal. Though SimpleX is growing as a superior private messenger.
I think, OP is pointing to the fact that ECH makes it harder to block connections to mothership from proprietary apps, TVs etc. These apps could now use ECH, DoH to hide it’s traffic from being observed.
But OP could always buy a better router that can proxy layer 7 traffic and block the traffic if desired.
Tailscale already has Mullvad integration. Why don’t you utilize that?
Desktop = Fedora
Home server = AlmaLinux
Mobile = GrapheneOS
Router = OpenWrt
This is incorrect. It strengthens both privacy and security in a lot of ways for an average user.
Your English is perfect. There is no indication of low intelligence from the way you described your issues. B and C grade are pretty average and indicates you can learn with hard work. I think what you might be experiencing is anxiety and that is causing you to think you don’t have skills or intelligence. I am not from US so I don’t know what kind of help might be available for you there, but I would suggest you to look for a job with something you like to do even though the pay might not be great and then eventually your interest will take you further in your career.
FSF does not get in the way of security. FSF believes source code should be publicly available in order to even assume the software is secure or private. In a perfect world that would be nice. But in the real world, proprietary blobs are required to make the hardware functional. As long as OEMs are removed about open sourcing the firmwares, both GrapheneOS and GNU are right in their own way.
GrapheneOS is the easy to install OS among any mobile platform. Everything is through a web UI, so you are very unlikely to brick your phone. You don’t need to type a single command. Also even if you brick a Pixel phone, it’s very easy to install stock Android build through Google with a similar installation process.
Yep. It was developed to improve parallelization and security of Firefox. Many core parts of Firefox have been replaced with Rust implementations.
I do the same as well. Shelter is an amazing project.
This is on my todo list. I use Docker-compose for it’s simplicity, but Docker is a security nightmare. If you are not careful, it would expose your Nextcloud instance to the whole world. Podman integrates nicely with firewalld which gives me zone based rules. Can’t wait to do this. But I will give sometime to let Quadlet get stabilized and popular.