I’m a filthy fucking socialist.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • First thing’s first: you’re allowed to play on easy mode if you want. Took me too long to realize this.

    Emulators let you save anywhere, so if you wanna play Crono Trigger or Donkey Kong Country, go for it!

    Holocure is a free bullet heaven with lots of characters to unlock. Recommend boosting your coins first.

    Terra Nil (it’s like an anti Sim City) is only as stressful as you make it. Clean the planet and max out the flora and fauna, or just vibe. It even has an appreciation option once you’ve cleansed the area, zooming in to certain sections and letting you see the animals.

  • Think of it this way: Systems vs Demographics

    We as a society should never condone a system (government/CEOs/billionaires) killing a demographic (individual or group), like the death penalty. Because the system already has greater power and control.

    However, the demographic should be able to kill or dismantle systems, especially when they feel threatened by those with power.

    So “the people” can take the lives of the rich into their hands, but the rich can’t take the lives of “the people” into their hands. Ideally.

    Which is why it’s okay to be pro assassination of a CEO, but not pro death penalty of a serial killer. Government (system) sanctioned murder (of a demographic) should never be okay.