Im @Quilly@equestria.social from mastodon
Profile pic source: https://derpibooru.org/images/3135184
Do not disturb hides all common notifications here on lineageOS, and that’s what it did on all aosp’s I’ve tried till now too
hey! So, i ended up trying to download this again and it worked perfectly, it was exactly what i needed, i think it didn’t work before cuz i had downloaded the wrong app, didn’t saw that the name was “easyeffects” and downloaded this “pulseeffects-legacy” one, which didn’t work probably cuz turned out i was using pipewire-pulse all along, so yeah, your suggestion was the one i needed soo, thank you!
Oh i see, tried to install it here but it didn’t work, the app doesn’t start, Lots of people are recommending switching to pipewire, i think i may try that
Pulse effects, is that some sort of addon to pulse audio? Will look into it, thanks!
Is that the new trend here? Didn’t remember seeing any beans here yet
“Ancient” memeing!
Pancake bunny->Panny lol
Super cute btw
Ooh haha, that really confused me there, thanks for the explanation!