Australian Cyber Security professional
Yes, I’m sure failing to defend democracy will result in it being eroded. Of course people can use this to their own personal advantage and claim democracy is at stake when it is not. Voters need to be well informed to discern whether those claims are legitimate, or not.
I don’t think anyone reads “X ban” as sending people to offshore “entertainment” facilities. Lol.
Democracy: good. Destroying democracy: bad. Still too specious for you?
VPNs exist. All blocking of websites is just a slight inconvenience at the end of the day.
Because we have to defend democracy or it will be eroded. We should not stand by idly as misinformation and corporate interests continue to cripple it. Just because people are voting against their best interests does not mean they are no longer their best interests.
History in the making. This is what open source is all about.
I don’t think they would do that unless Lemmy continues to grow to a point where it challenges Reddit. Then it becomes a technical issue. I don’t think they can do that. It was one thing for threads to do it, being designed with that in mind from day 1, but it’s completely different for Reddit to do it. There are so many features that just wouldn’t make the jump, and so much content that would need to be reworked.
If they were going to do it, it would most likely be a clean break where you just can’t access old Reddit content on Lemmy, but all their new stuff would be accessible.
I also just don’t see them giving away their content like that after cracking down on the API how they did.
Big fan of this series.
Last sentence in that last comment.
You’re getting there. A bank robbery is worse than a car theft, and society does put more resources into preventing bank robberies than car thefts. Maybe we should put more effort into stopping billionaires leeching billions than stopping Joe Schmoe from being on welfare.
You’re still missing the point lmao. Who gives a fuck about a tiny drop of water when there’s a tidal wave coming for them.
That’s fair, though we also don’t know how much this individual is getting from the welfare system. At the end of the day I’m far less annoyed by people like this than by billionaires or even just CEO-types who make tens, hundreds, or thousands of times what a normal person makes while providing arguably similar amounts of economic input.
Additionally, while this person’s comment comes across as proud, they more than likely actually need the support the welfare system gives them. There’s probably a reason they only started relying on it since covid.
Billionaires leech literally millions of times what a poor person leeches, and yet you’re here complaining about the poor person (who has likely already paid more in taxes than they have leeched).
Pretty big assumption here that they won’t pay more taxes than what they get from the government. I paid $20k in tax in the first year of my first non-retail job. If they paid taxes for 7-8 years before covid they probably already paid for themselves.
Fair enough. I didn’t know that. Hopefully they don’t abuse their position, but at least it’s not a full ownership situation I guess.
Fedora is upstream of Red Hat now. It’s developed by the community, then IBM/Red Hat steal it lol.
Please calm down bro nobody should get this heated about a display server protocol.
I can’t imagine it’d be that hard to write some code that does that using an existing AI model.
I escaped a teams only company for a slack company a few months ago. Best thing I ever did. Plus I got a payrise.