🇬🇧🇺🇸I seize incel people’s cocks
🟩⭐ Mi konfiskas incelula kacojn
“Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum” — Titus Lucretius Carus
I’m a non-native too but i still got duped
I need more Donald Duck shitposts in my life.
This is more expanddong ackshually🤓
koksu 5 gram
Po twojej pysznej zupie
Nie ruszam dupy z klopa
Ta zupa była z mlekiem;
Na mleko mam alergię
Still technically 2006 🤓
I know that. But they got the launch year of the Wii wrong, innit?
Nintendo Wii (2007)
Thank you, i’ve just laughed my ass off
Sorry to break the news, but that spoiler syntax doesn’t work for people who don’t have Sync.
The correct syntax is
:: spoiler spoiler
plants vs zombies
But with “:::” instead of “::”
No, l33t doesn’t have ideograms like :.|:;
Oh ok, it doesn’t work for me then
Am i the only one who doesn’t get it?
So those people calling it neoliberal are fucking liars
That’s it, Americans must know
prepares a post to explain what Mangione means in Italian