Oh sheeeit! I used revanced on Android, but I had no idea there was also a Firefox extension for that. Thanks!
Oh sheeeit! I used revanced on Android, but I had no idea there was also a Firefox extension for that. Thanks!
Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube “creators” these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin’ nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip … ^reecrootah ] their videos.
That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.
I’m 36 and if you want to call me, then fine? Who cares? I don’t get why it’s such a big deal.
Are zoomers really like this?
And here I thought pansexual meant you really like cookware.
Pure exhaustion from all the “hurry up and wait” of airport bullshit.
By the time I’ve gotten out of bed, gotten ready, travelled to the airport, dragged all my shit through the airport, unpacked and repacked half of it through security, boarded the plane … my body just kinda gives up on being awake.
To be honest, I find most of these passive aggressive and patronizing.
Technically, no. People have been turned away for DUI’s from decades earlier. But, as the other reply said, Trumpitler has “immunity.”