I just find it fascinating how spans of time can feel so different
This can’t seriously be surprising for anybody, youtube with its on-demand unlimited video storage and streaming has to be one of the biggest money sinks on the internet.
Its been 19 years between now and the release of the Xbox 360, while it was 9 years between the releases of the Xbox 360 and Nintendo 64.
Media needs to be future-proofed or else we risk repeating the around 75% of original silent-era films have perished and are forever lost.
I don’t understand why people watch that douchebag
“Unsheathes silver sword”
…this implies they have a cardboard box full of Arceus, the Pokemon God
Man I want to replay New Vegas, all the DLC was so good.
A disk drive reading disc’s would be a disc disk drive
Just throwing these links in here: https://everdrive.me/cartridges/everdrive-gba-mini.html
This is what the 2019 re-release should have been
You mean Bobby Prince
Godzilla would make escargot from Snailax here
Could you use this with SWISS and play games using retroNAS?
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