Yeah, my first thought was, isn’t Hungarian far more complex/different. Also, Icelandic is meant to be very difficult to learn too!
Yeah, my first thought was, isn’t Hungarian far more complex/different. Also, Icelandic is meant to be very difficult to learn too!
Paper chains around the room!
I need the text highlighted please, I’ve no idea what anyone is talking about…
Dick Dasterdly approves of this style!
Are you conflicted about finding someone you rationality don’t find attracted to, attractive? Does it feel like you’d loose your life as you currently know it, should you end up in a relationship with them because they’re so different, resulting in you loosing those other people you refer to?
You sound like you understand the differences between both people well so that’s good. Our hormones are crazy things that throw all sorts of emtions at us! Maybe try to see this as an exercise in finding/securing what you want in life, what people etc. You clearly see this other person as not your type ultimately, but they still have that ‘thing’ that makes you a bit giddy! Enjoy it for its silliness, safe that you know you’re highly unlikely to actually choose them! :)
Yore, pfft, not sure on the exact year but predates badgers by some I’m sure. From My zimmerframe is parked in the corner btw!
I don’t think in terms of respect about something like this as this leans towards some kind of snobbery or predudice. Either I agree or don’t. Regardless of any perceived level of knowledge or intelligence behind an argument, I’ll respond as a point of advancing shared knowledge rather than trying to ‘win’.
Unfortunately there are many subjects where all the facts aren’t known, therefore opinions must be discussed to advance the understanding and ultimately help to establish future facts. Also, one person’s believed facts may be a misunderstanding, for example, hence why discussions and arguments may happen.
As such, there is (nearly) always a point to it!
The owl look great and I’m glad you explained what the fish was for! ;) drinks cover is a good idea too :)
Alas, I’ll never be able to afford Airwolf!
She did knock off her arch enemy using voodoo, marry a russian hitman and be the first woman on Mars, pretty badass that!
It’s pronounced bouqueeet!
Damn you Kropotkin!