Or maybe you are being dense, who knows.
Or maybe you are being dense, who knows.
Because every developer uses the exact same processes and holds themselves to the exact same standards right?
Way to out yourself as someone who’s only read about the industry.
They just need to change everything about how they design and create the games to fit the new model.
The fact you have so many down votes is astounding to me. People really dont like to face that they may be wrong or biased about something. Easier to tap the down vote and scroll on.
Is he murdering people over fraud? Thats pretty savage. Are you sure he’s not meant to look unhinged a bit?
Edit: now I have to watch, I hope its at least really ridiculous
Thats an insane scene to watch completely out of context. Is Jason statham the bad guy in that movie?
I meant what you are saying, I think I worded it poorly. Cheaper deals are done in relatively shady places where you could get caught by chance. Bigger deals are more secure using any number of methods.
There are just bad dealers too though, its like any other job.
Are you implying you would be teaching that man how to walk?
When you help someone on a computer, they come along with you too, just like the blind guy. And just like the blind guy, them coming along with you does not mean they will be able to do it themselves next time, or that they want to do it alone next time.
This sounds a lot like “only my perspective is correct” type stuff.
I think what you are describing is teaching not helping. Helping someone is just doing the thing they need help with and thats it. Its not a prerequisite that someone learn something if your goal is just to help them but it is if your goal is to teach them something.
It is nice when people share your interests and want to learn but everyone’s got their own stuff going on and sometimes can’t make room for something new like that.
Thats for like 100 or less. Or for really risky dealers.
Not really sure which point you are making.
I have no idea what thanksgiving meant hundreds of years ago. I’m aware that the natives and colonizers did not get along great back then but that has nothing to do with thanksgiving today.
Today, its generally about getting together and having a nice meal and giving thanks (being positive).
Also, the day being worthless for you, only affects you. It still has worth for everyone else who assign it worth. You haven’t stumbled upon some universal fact, its just an opinion.
You likely could find people who share your opinion and get together with them and all have some sort of Thanksgiving group debate if you’d like.
Would you say its great if it ends as is? I’d have to look it up but they were in the middle of it from what I recall.
I suppose that would leave the tv shows ending to stand as the official-ish ending though wouldnt it?
I’m not sure Thanksgiving counts as staying in touch, but family gatherings are meant to be inclusive, and Thanksgiving specifically is for setting aside differences (theoretically at least).
I suppose it depends what you mean by deradicalizing them? I’d say calling them names is a bad start but maybe you are more polite in person.
Sort of true! If the benefits outweigh the negatives, cannabis can be more like medicine, but I will admit most dont look at it that way no matter if its beneficial or not.
It honestly seems like the focal point of the whole thing.
Changing relatives minds can be far more difficult than changing strangers minds. I would not hold it against an activist who doesnt argue with family. Also thanksgiving is not the time for it really, its easier to deflect into silly jokes or tangents that have nothing to do with politics, and then say bye see you next year.
By already being used to being stoned, most likely.
Also the paranoia and anxiety doesnt happen to everyone. Some people want the loss of control to a degree, and the spontaneity it can bring to social situations.
Probably depends on whether you need to hide it or not as well. Here its legal and noone cares if I go smoke on the porch and come back in.
Game pass cloud works in a browser on linux too.
Apparently whatever the person you replied to feels it is supposed to be. Something something common sense.