But why is it still going?
But why is it still going?
I sincerely appreciate it.
Wow, imagine being this condescending and still not explaining anything!
That’s completely fair. How about 500+?
The next one is only ~460.
I’m sure a predatory man would do the same.
Is science sexist?
Statistically, bears take rejection better than men do.
Adams has admitted that he hasn’t been in an office in such a long time that he doesn’t know what’s relevant anymore. In classic Dilbert fashion, the admission slipped as part of his defense that his comics were current and he had a finger on the pulse of the technology sector.
Thanks. Next time someone asks about something, like say about a car part, and someone condescendingly replies that it’s for a car because they exist I will remember your courage and heroic defense of the above douchenozzle and proceed to do in the future what I did earlier.
Not everyone has knowledge of everything, and on a social platform it is common to share experiences and to converse about what you may have learned since them, or what you already knew that others might not. I skipped down to the credits to educate myself about sticky keys precisely because I didn’t know what they were for and had shared the aforementioned frustrating experience.
This attitude is one step away from coming to a social gathering of any sort and telling people to Google whatever they ask about instead of just having a conversation. Sometimes I worry that my social skills have slipped or evaporated until I come across a scene like this one.