Thanks again!
Thanks again!
Thank you! Can you please help me again? I can’t seem to find my swipe Library. I found This online. But I don’t know if this is the right one?
How can I load the swipe library? My heliboard can’t swipe :(
That’s only their Facebook “friends”
Isn’t it proof enough? Using the Sudoku example: there are certainly different levels of difficulties, depending on how many numbers are set in the beginning and other parameters. Checking if the solved answer is correct, is always the same “difficulty” - thus there is no correlation between the difficulty of the puzzle at the beginning and checking the Correctness. Some people might not be able to solve it, but they certainly can check if the solution is right
We had this kind of test, too. I guess it’s a popular way of teaching this lesson of “read the whole f*cking instructions! That’s why someone wrote them down for you!”
Martin Freimann