We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
oh no. they had to fuck taylor swift. boo fucking hoo
I mean i tried to make it painfully obvious I wasn’t talking about medical conditions, car accidents, or crackheads being stupid, but i guess i had to come back and spell it out.
Ok, so who did Taylor Swift exploit? She literally is just a singer and the whole thing is odd, but it’s more she’s a billionaire because the currency is worthless.
Survival no longer is a problem to literally everyone in north america. yeah people die, but, when was the last time you have heard of anyone who is not anorexic starving to death? People still talk like survival is an issue, but that’s because they actually mean not being comfortable.
you are so close to admitting it’s imaginary