This is also mine
This is also mine
My favorite is the fact that Microsoft intentionally left a bug in Excel that treats 1900 as a leap year when it wasn’t so they could maintain compatability with Lotus 1-2-3. And at this point fixing it would cause nearly every date value in excel files to display as off by one day and break a bunch of date formulas.
Heeeeeeey yoooooou guyyyyyyyyys!
Well Greece wasn’t ever a British colony, so they didn’t have as many opportunities to steal artifacts and culture as they did with, say, Egypt or India
I beg to differ
His ass, it is said, never gives up its dead When the skies of November turn gloomy
Because I’m also that guy: both are correct.
It’s true that you should only used hanged to refer to hanging a person, but it’s not incorrect to use hung in that case.
Source 1:
In the year 2000…