Philadelphia Collins ❤️
Philadelphia Collins ❤️
Pollockbot - 3000
My girlfriends ass?
Isn‘t the Planet called Urectum now, to prevent childish jokes?
Taking karate lessons
Didn’t know that Kevin Hart also plays football! What a talented guy!
Where you don’t wanna wake up; Everything is fcked, everybody sucks; You don’t really know why, but you wanna justify rippin someone‘s head off; No human contact, and if you interact Your life is on contract! Your best bet is to stay away, motherfcker! It’s just one of those days!
„1% of people hoarding 99% of wealth in the world, and most of them have the same skin color and religion like me? It has to be the fault of people with a different skin color and/or religion that I’m not getting richer!“
You could go out on a date with me to make it round 😘