So Google Search, even back in 2000, was an AI?
So Google Search, even back in 2000, was an AI?
Better yet, do both. You can do both!
I’m sure you already know this, but reading through some of these comments makes me suspect others might need the prompting.
“Vote for the lesser of two evils? Bah! I won’t vote at all!*”
*and help the fascist who is super pro-genocide get into office. This will definitely help the Palestinians and as a Trump presidency helps the Israelis rain firey death upon them, they will die proud that I stood resolute in my convictions. Their deaths will be worth it!
Sold by Nrnrnrg, a small “Ukrainian”* family owned company trusted for generations, established last week!
*designed in the Ukraine but assembled and shipped by our “trusted Chinese partners”**.
** partnership also first formed last week, sight unseen.
Linkin Park… 2000… Middle school?!
Fuck, I got old.
TIL agriculture = capitalism. I bet they think the free market is exclusive to capitalism too.
This whole exchange is hilarious as the DK is strong in your counterpart. The best part is how smug and condescending they are (winter child lolol) despite clearly having no idea what they’re talking about. My money is on him being a libertarian.
Bingo. My first table saw was a heavily used Ryobi direct drive. It was noisy at hell and hard to use with precision, but it only cost $25 and helped me figure out if I wanted to get into woodworking or not.
Seriously, if you’re just getting into this, you don’t need to drop $1000+ on a SawStop. If you have the money, fuck yeah, get one. If not, just use proper technique, tools, and PPE. Be extremely careful as even the cheapest, most underpowered saw will take multiple fingers off in less than a second. If you’re not scared, get scared. I’ve been doing this for over a decade and my table saw still makes me wary. That’s a good thing.
Don’t forget for some of the spells and skills. How can I forget late nights full of “Indiguneishon! Indiguneishon!”?
I’m even designing a 3D printed jig so I can securely connect any two bottles and let gravity do the work overnight.
Indeed, this isn’t my only account, nor is it even my primary.
At least on Lemmy.world, it’s now visible when comments are removed. It’s not uncommon that I see multiple comments complaining about what the tankies are going to do and few to no removed comments. Given Lemmy.world is also the instance whose members I see gripe about tankies the most, I currently believe it’s just people using an out group to achieve some sort of personal goal, even if it’s just as simple as wanting to comment but not really having a lot to say.
Tankies are pretty annoying, but what’s much more annoying to me now is people whinging on about tankies that aren’t even there. The amount of comments to the effect of “just wait for the tankies to read this and do (X)” vastly out numbers the number of comments I see from actual tankies. More often than not, those tankies fail to ever materialize.
Seriously. If these “media pros” are actually concerned, it appears my personal server adheres to higher standards than their industry.
No no, you really weren’t off base. Even if they were owned by Walmart, I doubt they could do worse.
That’s great, I’m glad you got some deals!
The thing about them is their low wages and reluctance to train their employees meant high-end goods were often priced very low. Levi’s jeans were $10-15 a pair while designer jeans were priced at $5. I recall someone donating a batch of Hermés scarves. None of the pricers knew the brand, so they put them out for $1 each. I bought them all for 50% off (employee discount!) and hit eBay. This kind of thing happened weekly so the employees were always looking for things we could resell. We made less than $20k/year, that’s how we scraped by!
I’m not sure how other stores are, but mine was a great example of being a penny wise and a pound foolish.
So, I’m not trying to be the “ackshually” guy.
Value Village isn’t owned by Walmart.
Buuuut, you’re still right. They’re absolutely a shit company. I was an assistant supervisor at Value Village a couple of decades ago. First, they’re 100% for profit but advertise in such a way that consumers believe they’re a charity. What they do is buy donations from charities by the pound. Any donations accepted at the store on behalf of a charity are paid at a drastically reduced rate, so of course they push HARD for customers to bring donations directly to the store.
The shit cherry on top was the stores lying to charities about the quality of received goods to avoid paying. If clothes, for example, were soiled, they’d refuse to pay for the entire batch. Stores would find a few dirty shirts, claim the entire cart was crap, claw the money back, and sell the rest of the cart.
The company makes a HUGE profit but pays their employees peanuts. Our head cashier had worked for the company for eight years and capped out at $7.25/hour in 2003, about $14 today. One year, they announced no raises, no reason given. My then girlfriend and I discovered the owners had purchased a cabin in Northern California for use by the c-suite douches. The store manager was pulling in $60k a year, plus bonus, in a very low cost of living area. Me? $8.25 per hour.
What else? They incentivize under staffing by making a supervisor’s paltry bonuses tied to their staffing budget. Staying at budget meant no bonus. They had to come in under budget for any bonus, and the more “savings” the higher the bonus. I got chewed out when I first started scheduling because I used all the hours allotted in the budget. The store went from a shit hole to being fairly respectable but it would eat into my boss’s bonus. Her maximum annual bonus? $2.5k.
So they may not be owned by Walmart, but they’re the Walmart of thrift stores. Fuck those guys.
Good one, it is indeed.
I’m a microbiologist in the US, it’s at least eight years for us.
I just responded to another comment then saw yours. At least in Murica, the person gets the tax break, not the business.
Relevant article: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0
Seconded, I use a Define 7 and it’s fantastic. Best big black box I’ve ever owned.