Random dude being sarcastic isn’t doing that. Focus the anger on the actual problems.
Random dude being sarcastic isn’t doing that. Focus the anger on the actual problems.
Got it I’ll just stop paying my taxes that’ll fix everything
The Bible is pro abortion anyway so they have nothing
That comment did not imply any of this in the least
He may end up not being the shooter but he has a history of posting things that align with the ideology
Because it’s funny on the internet
I’ve seen the movie ages ago, didn’t remember this scene at all.
However, I recognized the T1000 actor immediately, so I knew it was from one of the terminator sequels, but not even immediately T2.
Okay but if that’s his response then put your foot down and tell him in no uncertain terms that you are finished
I mean in the literal sense.
I know the tone of this is supposed to be “haha you suck” but if you fake it then you’re only going to make the guy keep doing the thing that didn’t work. Help them learn how to be better because they can’t feel what you’re feeling.
“Excuse me you dropped your keys”
“Nah I put them there while I did my set”
“Oh okay sorry”
Proof right here that conservatives are media illiterate
Supreme court said it was if it’s an official act
I’ve seen it happen in both directions. I’ve seen more of it being the opposite as in the meme, but I’m a man so am more likely to see those instances. My female friends have had the opposite experience, probably for the same reason
It kinda depends on the outcome. If Trump wins it’ll get substantially worse.
Dude that isn’t remotely the same thing as a lobby queue style game lol
Words mean things and cod isn’t an MMO
Weird take but more power to you my friend
Uhhh, when did call of duty transition from lobby queuing to MMO?
Apparently nobody noticed Michael Jackson is with a bunch of children either
Do the gays not have a sense of humor?