Strictly for commuting, rechargeable, nothing fancy. Doesn’t need insane runtimes, just something reasonable for commuting that I can afford to buy and give several of them away. :)
I’m seeing many ponchos with hand loops and a waist strap so it doesn’t fly up. AFAIK, they are more breathable.
This sounds handy, however I’m prioritizing reliability which is hard to beat with a mechanical pump.
My city invests a ton of money into cracking down on car theft and increasing punishments. They are not investing into bike lockers or even racks. It’s usually a “too bad” even for thefts of high value bikes unlike cars.
If only my city treated bike theft like they treated car theft…
I think that’s a bit excessive. !
I don’t know. Hopefully not.
Great points! I learned a few things.
Power cables should not be coiled unless you want induction loops, lower efficiency, and waste heat.
Ideally, the cables would be the minimum length needed as I understand it. For excess cables though, is there a better solution to organize it to avoid coiling?
Unfortunately it isn’t available in Canada