This still comes off as misgendering. Maybe don’t do that. She makes it clear that she uses feminine terminology even if she is spamming people.
This still comes off as misgendering. Maybe don’t do that. She makes it clear that she uses feminine terminology even if she is spamming people.
I don’t daily drive either distro these days but I’ve always found Arch to be more stable than Debian testing. I also just really don’t like apt. I think its pathetic to not have parallel downloads in 2025.
Go and watch some Bryan Lunduke on your suckless desktop or something.
deleted by creator
Not really sure how to say it but I think your ex was just a racist who hung out with racists. I know a few Swedish people through a friend who’s gf is from there and they would deffo take issue with it.
“You are but what am I” - you
The fact that you saw that person and this post demonstrates that you aren’t in an echo chamber. Free speech also entitles people to call you an antisocial and inconsiderate twat.
I’m not sure about you but I don’t go around saying the N word or paying people in developing nations to hold up incitements towards very real genocides. Felix isn’t a Nazi but he directly contributed to the climate that allowed them to come out of the woodwork and act as they are doing now.
He has also said the hard R on stream multiple times
This is already a real thing
Average .world comment
The service themselves also made a Mastodon thread (which has since been deleted) supporting the Republican party
Fucking hell. Really? Thanks for telling me.
If someone wants to use a less orthodox pronoun fucking let them. Drag might have a history of being a troll but refusing to use drag’s pronouns means that drag’s gender is conditional on them being well behaved. It turns the use of anyone’s pronouns into an act of “just being polite” or “humouring them”. Its a culture of gate keeping we cannot afford to perpetuate in the current climate of anti-trans hostility.
What’s this about, sorry? Is this the thing with keeping chasers on here (which I personally don’t agree with)?
EDIT: Ah, never mind. You are a bellend. Should have guessed since you are moaning about the instance full of trans people. Do one, gobshite.
Its not an unusual thing for lesbian couples to pick a new surname for themselves.
Eh. You’re fine. The p.s. was to stop people filling my notifications with sealioning arguments.
Let’s not use homophobia to mock the homophobes.
P.s. don’t reply expecting an argument, especially if you are cis and straight
The article mentions that the cameras work on the Fairphone 5. Sadly its still a no go while there is still no audio which is a big shame.
I was mistaken and said KDE rather than GTK theme but you just need to add this add an environment variable before the operator on the desktop shortcut file and it should work
_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true ${_JAVA_OPTIONS}"
You are still making an assumption against the wishes of the person or people that indicated it. So what if she is lying? It demonstrates that respecting people’s gender is conditional on being good.