Indian politics basically works on cult of personality atp and considering the trend of the last 20-30 years regarding which party formed the government, it feels like it’s a dual party system in all but name to be honest.
Indian politics basically works on cult of personality atp and considering the trend of the last 20-30 years regarding which party formed the government, it feels like it’s a dual party system in all but name to be honest.
Really ironic but also sad cause it shows the dysfunction of the Indian legal system, laws are there but proper enforcement is not and the distrust people have in the police is for a good reason. Laws are subject to the ruling party’s will, it can be legal when it benefits them and illegal when it does not and the loopholes some of them have is another story unto itself lmao
Oh yeah I knew that, I thought another ban was enforced which made it nation-wide. My bad!
Strangely enough I can access Element’s website just fine. I’ve heard it being blocked by some ISPs but my ISP hasn’t blocked it (yet). I’m glad that the privacy conscious and open source crowd in India are aware of and use F-Droid so this stupid and illogical ban (which I’ve known about since December of 2023) is easily circumvented. Funnily enough, BJP’s hold over the Indian people seems to be loosening because of some really poor decisions taken by the government after they won last year in the elections, especially with taxes. Satisfying to watch them slowly crumble.
Oh trust me, so many Indians blindly follow what the government says. Remember when ProtonMail was under the threat of being banned because some dumbfuck used PM to send bomb threats to schools in Chennai? Yeah I remember when that happened, I went through so many news articles covering this and so many comments on those articles were in favour of the ban with the most stupidest reasons possible and logic that exceeds human comprehension. It’s scary.
That is very concerning. I always chuckle to myself whenever I hear this “terrorist” pov thrown around. Like, okay? So many things are used by terrorists, let’s just ban them all! It’s like when a bill shows up in the US with the aim of “protecting children” (read: increasing surveillance and taking away your privacy)
Btw if you don’t mind me asking, which state are you from? I’m from the North and I’ve not heard of this till now. Would love to know. Stay safe out there man, India is going through a lot of shit right now.
Wait wait wait when did Element get banned? I did not know this. Also you’re right, these politicians are faaaar from understanding how Open-Source works or even how software works lol, this is just pathetic at this point. Also the traffic stops point, when did this start happening? and in which states? This is scary and extremely concerning.
Ah yes, the dark black void. Solid donations!
Strange though, I’ve never had issues like this with flatpak… It might be possible ofc that it is flatpak but I suspect it’s the theme itself that’s faulty. Thanks for providing a solution btw!
Normally LibreOffice would pick up on your theme automatically, strange why it’s like this. Are you using any different versions of LO? Flatpak version or Appimage? Appimage has a lot of issues with theming.
This one’s an easy fix though, just go to Tools > Options > View and pick a theme option, that should work. If that doesn’t help then try re-installing or using a different version.
Hope this was helpful!
Liam had his Edge game on point alright.
Ikr?! Some basic QoL things that got introduced in KotOR 2 made so much sense and on repeat playthroughs of KotOR I kept trying to do those things only to remember they don’t exist lol
That mod sounds really interesting!
I really really want to check out their other works, especially FNV. I find it comical how both FNV and K2 were created in such a short time and because of that plagued with issues but both excelled in their writing, storytelling, world-building and as you mentioned, deconstructing commonly established tropes about the franchises (the cherry on top imo).
It definitely took me a while to realise what her true meaning was by those lectures and while I don’t fully agree with everything that she says, some of the things do make sense and have a point (if not for being presented in a rather unsavoury way but I think that was the intention) also yes RCM does help with that… a lot! Which makes disagreeing with Kriea in some areas a lot less frustrating.
Jolee Bindo is awesome and the stories he has to share (and the life lessons too) are really really meaningful and it was nice to see someone perceiving the Jedi as flawed rather than do no evil types.
I’ve always found to be the first KotOR to be in the vein of a typical Star Wars story (Like the OT one), it’s something fun to engage with and fun to follow but KotOR 2 made me a huge fan of the “we’ll deconstruct every thing you knew about Star Wars to its core and you’re going to like it.” approach and boy oh boy do I like it! That story left such a huge imprint on me, I’ve been yearning for another story as good as KotOR 2’s since I first played. Each playthrough, I’m always taken aback by how good it is. They really did craft a masterpiece with this one and it shows. Wish the final game was finished and wasn’t so buggy but we have TSLRCM for that ehhehe.
I wish the options were a bit more flexible in that regard ahaha, like if the game said a little maayyybeee, perhaps it would’ve been smoother.
I’ve found that the force wave and the group stasis force powers do wonders for crowd control. I wish the armour in KotOR 1 was like KotOR 2’s and I didn’t have to significantly trade defense points to be able to use these advanced powers but by that time in the game, I’m powerful enough to withstand it all… it’d just be nice if I could actually do that…
Very true for the death match with Bendak Starkiller!
This dilemma and seemingly contradicting moral enforcement really messed with me on my first playthrough lol, I was like, “wtf do you want, woman? In your eyes beating up this poor innocent man is just as bad as helping him out with a few credits… so, what is it then??” and every time I tried to follow her way (I didn’t pick the right options that’d have her and I in agreement) she’d get even more pissed off and at the latter half of the playthrough I was like yeah I’ll see you in my next playthrough. Buh-bye cryptic grey force user!
Fancy seeing 'Straya here!