Usually, you notice it, as Mastodon automatically adds an @username@instance for everybody the commment replies to, Lemmy doesn’t.
Usually, you notice it, as Mastodon automatically adds an @username@instance for everybody the commment replies to, Lemmy doesn’t.
Yes, you can:
If you beat the blood, it turns pink and becomes a stable foam - perfect for baking sponge cakes or meringues.
As I’ve understood, Delta chat is based on the IMAP protocol and uses the infrastructure of your email provider. Thus, it uses no own server infrastructure, but has the also the downsides of the protocol and some issues with many email providers.
Wikipedia.de - Delta Chat (no English version available yet)
That would be: Sie dürfen nicht eins Feuerdings mit in hinein das Flugdings hinein bringen
The hinein from ‘into’ is optional in German. Better would be:
You allowed no firegear with in the flightgear take.
I agree. As I’ve mentioned, ‘stuff’ has more the meaning of Kram.
The meaning in terms of a singular object has evolved from the meaning in terms of a kit of objects, e.g. Feuerzeug was originally a flint stone and a fire striker, Nähzeug (sewing kit) and Sportzeug (sports equipment) are still being used in that manner.
However, I admit, that “stuff” to me as a non native English speaker carries more the meaning of Kram (non purpose) than Zeug (with some purpose).
Thing is litterally Ding in German. The term Zeug on its own stands for for all the stuff you need to have at hand to perform some task.
neuer Ordner 1, neuer Ordner 2, neuer Ordner 3, …
The word Zäpfchen itself is the diminutive of Zapfen, a stud, peg or pin. E.g. the fruits of needle trees are also called Zapfen, Tannen-, Fichten- or Kiefernzapfen. So Gaumenzäpfchen is a small stud dangling down from the palate.
Probably: Kegel exercise
As Debian testing doesn’t get (all) security fixes, it is NOT ment for running a secure server. This is what stable is for. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting
Unfortunately not, as I’m selfhosting my instance. For myself, I’d go for one that is hosted in Europe.
You could e.g. subscribe to a fully managed Nextcloud.
AfaIk, you will be following some accounts in your field of interest by default, so that your timeline isn’t empty at the start.
That’s the English text. In the German original (Wikipedia ), it says wer ist die schönste Frau (who is the most beautiful woman):
*Sneewittchen aber wuchs heran, und als es sieben Jahr alt war, war es so schön, daß es selbst die Königin an Schönheit übertraf, und als diese ihren Spiegel fragte: „Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand: wer ist die schönste Frau in dem ganzen Land?“ sagte der Spiegel: „Frau Königin, Ihr seyd die schönste hier, aber Sneewittchen ist noch tausendmal schöner als Ihr!“ Wie die Königin den Spiegel so sprechen hörte, ward sie blaß vor Neid, und von Stund an haßte sie das Sneewittchen, und wenn sie es ansah, und gedacht, daß durch seine Schuld sie nicht mehr die schönste auf der Welt sey, kehrte sich ihr das Herz herum. Da ließ ihr der Neid keine Ruhe, und sie rief einen Jäger und sagte zu ihm: „führ das Sneewittchen hinaus in den Wald an einen weiten abgelegenen Ort, da stichs todt, und zum Wahrzeichen bring mir seine Lunge und seine Leber mit, die will ich mit Salz kochen und essen.“ *
But Snow White grew up, and when she was seven years old she was so beautiful that she surpassed even the Queen in beauty, and when she asked her mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in all the land?” the mirror said, “Madam Queen, you are the most beautiful here, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you!” When the Queen heard the mirror speak thus, she turned pale with envy, and from that hour she hated Snow White, and when she looked at her, and thought that through his fault she was no longer the fairest in the world, her heart turned round. Then her envy left her no peace, and she called a huntsman, and said to him, “Take the Snow White out into the forest to a far-off place, there she will be killed, and as a token bring me his lungs and liver, and I will boil them with salt and eat them.”
In addition, the evil queen originally is the mother of Snow White.
The query actually shows a lack of confidence. He should have googled “How to recover a file from /dev/null?” instead.
MAU: monthly active users
A similar issue appeared in Linux, when the kernel version jumped from 2.6 to 3 “just because”. At least it was not recommended for normal users to upgrade their system out of curiosity.
Violet Tuesday (Veilchendienstag) is Pancake or Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras).
Nelkensamstag is named after the flower, not the herb and thus should be Dianthus Saturday.