These are pizzas that a company ordered from some pizza place.
These are pizzas that a company ordered from some pizza place.
You can burn it onto a cd or dvd or bluray, and that disc will be the same quality as the qobuz version. It’s all the same quality because of those files.
The best digital recording of Dangerous is the SACD cd version.
If you want to/can find the Qobuz streaming copy, that’s 24 bit.
Like a Subway, Mr Wayne. Like a Subway.
I was just adding to your points. Tossing in some knowledge for the audience at home.
Shenanigans is a great word for all of it, i like that.
Hell was never a thing in the abraham religions in the first place. The closest thing to it Sheol in the old testament, and that’s just what they called the earth you’re buried in.
Theres always a broccoli one. Every time.
While Im glad he’s avoided them so far, gloating about misusing bankruptcy is a great way to get denied for it.
May the Philips be with you.
Yeah, you definitely don’t want to flash $500 around the wrong people.
It’s an artistic shop.
Did your wife have beer pong and liquor ready at her party?
Yea. They’ve been doing it since the 70’s, and are still doing it now by trying to say Among Us made Luigi violent.
That doesn’t have anything to do with the millennial or gen z generations. The first “video game generation” was X.
Silent> Greatest> Boomer> X> Millennial> Z
That’s cool. Playing the outlier game could go on all day, but it’s obviously not the norm.
Boomers are the parents of Gen X kids.
What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.
I’ve only used it on mobile. I don’t know what the desktop looks like. But i like the smaller font. It’s more “crisp” than the default UI.
Yeah. I haven’t used it in a few months, but i did use it for a long time. I like it.
I believe it’s still missing moderation tools, but I could be wrong. Im not sure which update it’s at now.
Lol love it
Register with the FAA? Lmao
Yes, yes. Let’s also register our crime gun before we do the crimes with it.