Does “doesn’t need it” mean “wouldn’t be improved by it”? Examples?
Does “doesn’t need it” mean “wouldn’t be improved by it”? Examples?
What’s wrong with containers?
It was a customer not employee
That’s definitely not the rule. I’m not taking the kid-height urinal just cuz it’s the furthest one.
I don’t get it. A baby is going to throw darts at a tied-up dog?
Most men like women with hairy legs?
Ed Debevic’s!
It’s nice to be in a room with someone who knows their shit, and never actually talk about the shit they know about, and instead connect to them at a human level.
But that’s not useful for podcast listeners.
1+2=3 is so S-tier that it should ignore your rule and be included anyway.
This guy Hitlers
United States
Military History the United States during World War II
Adolf Hitler
My opinion is more nuanced than that and if you don’t see it, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s because you are facing a literal existential crisis because half the American government wants you dead. It’s very easy to lash out and take extreme stances when backed into a comer like this - it’s part of why I urged you to pick better battles so that you don’t alienate your allies.
I was pretty clear about Rowling being a piece of shit.
Do you pay taxes? Guess you love Nazis. Pieces of shit are everywhere and it’s not possible to boycott them all. Yes, this game is a luxury. Yes, you can still be a good person if you buy it.
Given Rowling’s existing wealth and influence I think the world is better off with the game than without it. It’s not like this marginal increase in money will allow her to create a disproportionate amount of hate she is not already doing. You are why people make fun of cancel culture. If you want allyship you should pick better battles. It’s possible to be intolerant of intolerance and still purchase this game.
And I say this as someone who never liked Harry Potter and thought the game was average (way too easy except for the very last boss fight).
The 3DS got rooted by playing a music file. Anything can happen homie.
Estonian style LMAO
As if they need to, lol. Cheese is delicious.