Mine is enabled by default and you need an OTP code for each purchase.
Mine is enabled by default and you need an OTP code for each purchase.
The strange thing about this story is why didn’t the bank send SMS messages for the purchases, this should be the default.
Which would yiu recommend librewolf or waterfox?
I would recommend this channel https://youtube.com/@moddedwarfare.
It keeps getting reposted, it was on mildly infuriating. I am pretty sure I saw it on reddit too. The text chnages every time though.
I don’t think reposting is bad though, as long as sufficient time is given, it is fine to repost. I think this might be the first time on shitpost though.
The real one: https://nypost.com/2023/10/25/business/alaskan-restaurants-100-tip-option-appalls-vacationer/
This was posted before on mildly infuriating, Lemmy is becoming like reddit.
I found more help in stack overflow for windows related issues compared to Microsoft.
Wow, seriously why are they using bitcoin? XMR is untraceable, why use a traceable currency?
As long as doesn’t host manga or anime itself, it is legal, for example Invidious and Newpipe for youtube. What was the reason stated for the DCMA request?
If you want to know more about newsgroups you can find the structure here: https://www.itpro.com/infrastructure/network-internet/368089/the-big-8-usenet-newsgroup-hierarchies-and-what-they-cover
And you can find information about the file encoding here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/YEnc#%3A~%3Atext=yEnc+is+a+binary-to%2Can+8-bit+encoding+method.
You are wrong. Usenet uses Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) and newsgroups are Basically just forums with different topics.
Usenet is basically the first ever worldwide forum or discussion system and it only accepts text, it doesn’t accept binary. Files are posted by encoding files as text and posting them, but since there is a size limit for each post similar to twitter, the files have to be split.
Your ISP can see that you are connecting to a Usenet provider and if you don’t use SSL they will see what you are downloading, but it doesn’t matter since in most countries only sharing is illegal, downloading is not illegal.
They are a public traded company, it is illegal for them to lie about their finances.
I wouldn’t call the difference between PS3 and PS4 just a bump in CPU/GPU there is a huge difference. The PS3 cpu architecture is completely different from the PS4. The PS3 uses a custom PowerPC architecture. The PS3 can be used to make super computers.
At the same time, gaming consoles were simplifying, making them less useful to science. The PlayStation 4 outsold both the original PlayStation and the Wii nearing the best-selling status currently held by the PS2. But for researchers, it was nearly useless. Like the slimmer version of the PlayStation 3 released before it, the PS4 can’t easily be turned into a cog for a supercomputing machine. “There’s nothing novel about the PlayStation 4, it’s just a regular old PC,” Khanna says. “We weren’t really motivated to do anything with the PlayStation 4.”
Microsoft considers it safe to use.
Can you please tell me which binary payload you found considering?
I checked the code briefly a while back and I didn’t find anything considering.
I remember reading about this, the IT couldn’t fix activate licence, so they used MAS.
It is safe, I scrolled through the code very quickly in the past and I didn’t see anything suspicious in it. Windows labels it as trojan, but Windows label most keygens as trojans even if they are safe.
You’re welcome. Since you download ps4 games I suggest using yandex. If you want a ps4 game search on yandex: ps4 game download and you will get many results. It is very rare that I find ps4 game torrents with seeders, I either use usenet or look it up on yandex and Google. The website I gave you also has a lot of games.
If you have Usenet, you can find it there. You can also find it on psxhax, this is way better than torrents for ps4 games. Normally for ps4 games you look for direct downloads or Usenet, torrent is generally not reliable for ps4 games because there is not that much demand, thus no seeders.
This could have easily be prevented if they did it for all amounts and enabled OTP code.