My name is Barf. I’m a mawg. Half man. Half dog. I’m my own best friend.
My name is Barf. I’m a mawg. Half man. Half dog. I’m my own best friend.
Disney built its entire empire on existing/public domain stories. Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Robin Hood. The list goes on. Hell even Aladdin is largely located from Middle Eastern fairy tales.
The fact that they’re relying on existing IP now is nothing new. It’s who they’ve always been. It’s just that they had to buy it since it wasn’t already in the public domain.
Log scaling?
I get what you’re saying, but the eating and the spiciness of the wings actually contribute to the quality of the interview.
Eating a meal with someone is disarming and contributes to the relaxed, ungaurded nature or his guests.
Consuming spicy food, particularly extremely spicy food or spicy food in great quantity releases endorphins which.
So while yes the eating/reacting to how hot the sauce is does interrupt the flow of the interview somewhat, it does help him get good/candid answers for his guests.
So while his research team is outstanding and he’s a talented interviewer in his own right. The hot wings do serve a role in the interview as more than a clickbaity gimmick.
Admittedly I don’t play on Xbox, but yeah their console naming is baffling to me and I honestly don’t know/can’t be bothered to figure it out. PlayStation is simple. Bigger numbers equal newer. Pro version? Just a modest step up but still clearly identifies as the same Gen.
When Xbox launched the One, I thought, “oh they’re going to reset the numbering convention. It’s awkward now but will be easier going forward.” Boy was I wrong.
On the other end there’s Nintendo, but the names are so different and distinct it’s easy enough to distinguish (except whatever the hell Wii U was).
Microsoft seems caught in the middle. They clearly didn’t want to be like PlayStation, but they don’t want to/can’t come up with unique names, so you get just a mouthful of nonsense letters and numbers.
About tree fiddy
Not sure what it says about me that I immediately knew who she was/is
Por que no los dos?
Are you sure you’re not thinking of Jolee from Kotor 1 ?