Ebb is the state of the tide going out, Flow is coming in.
Intertidal is an interesting thought, but isn’t it already taken by the area that is covered by high tide and exposed at low.
Ebb is the state of the tide going out, Flow is coming in.
Intertidal is an interesting thought, but isn’t it already taken by the area that is covered by high tide and exposed at low.
I was wondering about the point where it is halfway between high and low, whether it is ebbing or flowing. Slack is more the high or low point where it switches from ebbing to flowing.
Isn’t that more like Slack-tide when a high or low tide turns and becomes still (Stau like traffic?)
Mean Tide?
I grew up on the coast, so I never really thought about tides just that that was the way it was. Then I married someone from a landlocked country and every time we drive over the bridge over the cove near our house I comment when the tide is high or low since they are used to lakes, and I’m never quite sure what to say when it’s in the middle.
As good a selection as any
Meddle, Pink Floyd
Please don’t bury me down in the cold cold ground
In all seriousness I’d rather they cut me up and pass me all around.
A blackout. You already collected it.
I would add James McMurtry "Ruby and Carlos" , "lights of Cheyenne "or "Hurricane Party"
Growing up, we had a game called “fight the tide” where we would build sand castles in the intertidal zone with a stick in the peak of the castle. Last stick standing wins a chocolate bar.