Champagne and cheese company CEOs conflicted.
Champagne and cheese company CEOs conflicted.
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It’s a picture of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooter during his interrogation.
He said he had voices in his head and saw demons, so the detective asked if the demons were in the room with them at the moment.
So, by using this incident, the meme is suggesting that Great Again America is not real.
There’s also OXYGEN in the WATER, the stuff that causes METAL to RUST and they want you to DRINK IT?!?
Oompa loompa doopa dee dit
He wants to swallow some of our spit
Oompa loompa doopa dee dah
Aim at his mouth and go hawk tuah
Also, depending on your lighting situation, you might want to think about shine through keycaps or not.
Shine through keycaps are a lot brighter. For me, I had shine through first and when I switched to non-shine through, I was surprised by how much more I had to turn up the back light to see anything in the dark.
More like a revenue loss and a bigger revenue loss place.
If you want to read more about experiences, Erowid had a great library of information, including write ups of people who have used different drugs before.
This is the link for crack/cocaine.
it warns us of things to come
Ezekiel 23:20
She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses.
Omae wa mou shindeiru
I can never tell what they really believe. But I once saw a picture about flat earthers.
It basically said other planets are round because they have been observed to be round. But Earth is flat because it has not been observed to be round.
Though if they did see Earth from afar, I’m sure there would be some excuse as to why it’s fake.
But if Americans can’t see this comment chain, how USA-ful is it to the discussion?
Cop: say woof.
Dog: what, right now?
Cop: yeah.
Dog: but I don’t smell anything…
Cop: I’ll give you a treat.
Dog: woof woof woof!
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
Then it would be a multilingual computer
I mean, English is a computer’s second language. Its first language is zeros and ones.
I see you are quite moo’ved by this comment.
Ah, the proverbial last meal