I have these strings
To hold you down
I tie them tight, you can’t burst out
You might scream
But I’m happy
I’ve got your skin on me
I have these strings
To hold you down
I tie them tight, you can’t burst out
You might scream
But I’m happy
I’ve got your skin on me
Or maybe we were made to believe nothing has changed, because that was part of the wish. A retroactive alteration of a reality we no longer remember.
Oh, man. This brings back memories. I did this every time I loaded any game into the system. My PS1 had issues with the balls on the disc spindle that locked the disc in place. I had no idea and had so many issues with discs not loading until I discovered it. Then it became the disc equivalent of popping the cartridge out of the SNES and re-seating it until it worked. Eventually, I had to replace the balls as they fell out but as a broke college student, I just crumpled small bits of aluminum foil into similar sized balls and stuffed them in there. Worked great after that.