Fucking up your computer so much you decide to “distro hop” by reinstalling a new os.
Isn’t that what everyone meant? Just me? Oh
Fucking up your computer so much you decide to “distro hop” by reinstalling a new os.
Isn’t that what everyone meant? Just me? Oh
Yakuza games a completionists dream/nightmare
Pleasant slog should be the tagline on every owlcat game.
Love them but they definitely love a long game and a fuck you puzzle here and there.
If you can get a job that combines with a workout like a 2birds situation.
Do about 8 to 10k steps a day
Feels better to sweat and be paid, if you can help it. Use it or lose it.
I’ll take an African American coffee.
He could have shaved those thick ass eyebrows too.
Any time I see a funko, always think about how that could have been spent on literally anything else and been a better decision.
I put one in my tower so I can look over and see what a consumerist cunt I am /s
Turns out they use to send an “envelope” of yeast.
Ours would deliberately omit things. Family had to watch her and then take independent notes/ write in the margins what she was really doing
RIP you bitter but loving gal
No judgment for emeinem. He gets a lot of hate nowadays but dude is absolutely foundational to modern rap music
Reaction channels are proof we’ve degenerated culturally. Fuck independent thought look at this goober make a face at instead of having an opinion yourself.
I don’t get it.
Probably overthinking it but eidunno
Tommy Wiseau is the most handsome cadaver.
Santa needs snow like Dracula needs blood
When unreal 3 was prominent you could pick out geometry from several different games. Things looked vaguely similar.
Not inherently an issue will see how the game is. These games have been the definition of sale in the past. Good dumb fun occasionally
Twinks are IN
Sanchez dirt bike or nrg900
Not gonna lie my eyes glaze over a bit at the byzantium complexity
It’s aight now.
3060ti on endeavor getting 100+ fps at 1440. Some bugs here and there only seen one t pose in 40 hours
My sheet says “rome”
Uh oh
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