Ecstasy of Gold is the best Ennio tune. Fight me. When Metallica plays that shit it sounds like God is about to ride out on-stage riding a horse.
Ecstasy of Gold is the best Ennio tune. Fight me. When Metallica plays that shit it sounds like God is about to ride out on-stage riding a horse.
That movies was so good. I was a teenager with testosterone levels pushing towards psychopathy. I thought he was the hero of the story even after it was over. My mom (I guess correctly) thought he was the bad guy.
My cousins and I still quote that movie a lot, though its even less PC now than it was back then. “Now THESE are Vietnam Jungle Boots! They’re great for…” Back in the day we would scream that shit at each other, now I’d cringe so hard I’d probably pull a stomach muscle.
In my experience 12 year olds are pretty impervious to temperature fluctuations. Little bastards dive into freezing water like it’s nothing and run around in the scorching sun, not even noticing that they sweat through all their clothes.
TIL that Sicilian is a language that is separate from Italian?
In my teens I watched NBA basketball religiously.
In my twenties I was a huge MLB fan.
In my 30s I watched the NFL every weekend.
In my 40s I have athletics daughters and I watch them play and I also watch women’s soccer.
Does it help that the US women are a dominant force in the international area whereas the men are just “no longer a joke”.
Yes, yes it does.
When my highschooler was younger we’d go watch the Washington Spirit at the Soccerplex in Germantown.
It sat about 4,000.
This summer I travelled back to the US and caught a Spirit game in the new stadium in Baltimore. Holy shit what a big difference.
The crowd now had 19,000 in attendance.
Crocs are lowkey the number one shoes of athletes. The minute any kid finishes any game with cleats, they kick them off and roll with the crocs.
Was the first one any good? I’ve played a couple of 40k games that were meh. I like the lore, but the story and gameplay have to be up to par also.
Next dog will probably shoot or electrocute the cops.