Is that Ricky from Trailer Park Boys pouring the ocras?
“Anywho, Leahy can get fucked with his constant time pressure this, time pressure that. Ocras and being with my family are only things I care aboot now.”
Is that Ricky from Trailer Park Boys pouring the ocras?
“Anywho, Leahy can get fucked with his constant time pressure this, time pressure that. Ocras and being with my family are only things I care aboot now.”
Just don’t connect it to a network. Calibre to manage your library, transfer books via USB, done. Kobo+Calibre works fine on Linux.
However, in rare cases Kobo devices can be a bit funny with displaying covers properly without internet access to fetch/correct them “automatically”. This is not privacy friendly, obviously.
YMMV with this issue, but regardless if you choose a Kobo or not, I’ll drop some handy tips for you below just in case you care to polish your experience via Calibre.
I can’t give credit for below cause this is copied from my notes and I don’t know the author/source. Enjoy.
Calibre is so powerful and customizable that it has a bewildering amount of options and ways to do things. I wanted to scrape good metadata and covers for my ebook library in the simplest way I could. Here’s my procedure:
Go to Preferences -> Get plugins to enhance Calibre -> find and install the ‘Kindle hi-res covers’ and ‘Goodreads’ plugins. Reboot Calibre.
With your library open in Calibre, choose a selection of ebooks -> Ctrl+D to download metadata and covers -> configure download.
On the lower right hand side, I set ‘Max. number of tags to download:’ at 4. This is personal preference.
The only sources to have check marks (with their corresponding cover priority) should be:
Goodreads: 3
Google Images: 2
While selected: Configure selected source -> [Choose your preferred cover size and max number of covers to retrieve - I up it to 10]
If you end up choosing the covers individually Google often has good covers the other sources don’t
Kindle hi-res covers: 1
It usually has the best covers but can be a pain because it often picks a foreign cover and you have to go choose the cover individually afterwards.
I change the maximum number of covers to get from 5 to 10, but that’s not necessary.
I clear all the ‘Rating’, Tags’ and ‘Series’ fields because the data may be from all over the place (tags are often particularly awful), but Goodreads metadata will standardize it (as far as it can be for my liking, anyway - they seem to have a finite and well-ordered number of tags unlike many other sources). You can clear other fields but I only do those three.
Select your books -> Right-click -> Edit metadata -> Edit metadata in bulk
For ‘Rating:’ select ‘Not rated’ from the dropdown and then check ‘Apply rating’ on the right
Also on the right side, check ‘Remove all’ on the ‘Remove tags:’ row and ‘Clear series’ below it.
Select the ebooks you want to scrape and press Ctrl+D -> Download only covers.
When the job is done -> Review downloaded metadata -> Check ‘Mark rejected books’ (this option will stay selected in the future) then go through the books, pressing ‘Reject’ for any books that don’t have a satisfactory cover.
After finishing the selections, the marked books will show. Select them all -> Right click - > select ‘Edit metadata individually’
Press ‘Download cover’, select a cover, and press ‘Next’ until finished
Select all the rejected books and press Ctrl-M to toggle the marked (pinned) status to off
Press the X at the end of the search bar to clear the selection and get back to the main book list.
Rather than using the above steps, if I have some free time I like to select ALL the covers manually, because it can be fun to look at the different choices. Sometimes I’ll pick a foreign cover because the art is better. (Also many of the larger covers - especially from Kindle hi-res - are actually much blurrier than some smaller choices and you can’t tell from the thumbnails so I like to right-click and compare them at full size) To do it this way, instead of doing step 1 above:
Select the ebooks you want to scrape -> Right-click -> Edit metadata -> Edit metadata individually
Do Step 4. That will be the last step
Select the books you want to scrape and press Ctrl+D -> Download only metadata.
When the job is done -> ‘Review downloaded metadata’ OR ‘Yes’
OPTIONAL: If any of the metadata you reviewed is unsatisfactory, ‘Reject’ it when reviewing, then do step 3 from the ‘TO GET COVERS’ section, then go to step 4 but select ‘Download Metadata’ instead of cover and follow the instructions from there.
You should now be finished selecting metadata for your selected books!
At first, I thought this is a wetsuit with a warm water hose attached so doggo stays warm, but your tip is good, too.
Full-on witchcraft advice going on here, lads. Stay away.
I will knock you out, mate!
Everything into ~/Downloads/ until the partition is full.
in the desktop version all ports are open by default
( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ)
Oh, absolutely. I agree with you. Cheaper than treatment and having to put up with pain and issues in perpetuity.
I don’t type enough, even when I do I don’t touch type properly (using ye old “blind chicken hawk” technique”). Thus, I can’t justify this for my situation.
If this is part of your job, this is value for money in the end, if the quality is there.
$626 AUD, Jesus Christ.
Closest you’re gettin’ to any action this weekend is givin’ the dairy cow’s teets a good scrubbin’.
Following this guide, an error will occur re the pgp during the install, it did for me. Make sure you run *both after the cli commands
sudo dnf check-update && sudo dnf upgrade
sudo dnf install --refresh proton-vpn-gnome-desktop
You must accept the keys as outlined or it fails down the road. It never asked until running above code.
That did it for me. Good luck.
Very happy with Plappa. Highly recommend. One off purchase, no subscription.
For anyone looking for a good iOS front end for their Audiobookshelf instance, I can highly recommended Plappa (and off topic Paperparrot for paperless by the same dev). One off and affordable purchase, no subscription.
🎤 It bites you in the thigh, bubbles rise from your cry, That‘s a Moray!
Appreciate the walkthrough and follow up.
The hallway is dark and full of terrors.
This is c/selfhosted