I don’t have the option to buy any of those things locally. Just because you can doesn’t mean it is viable for anyone else.
I don’t have the option to buy any of those things locally. Just because you can doesn’t mean it is viable for anyone else.
Clothing, food, shelter, software, electronics, medicine, fuel, consumable goods like batteries and much much more. These are just off the top of my head.
But they didn’t do ranked choice. So for most of the primary it was Clinton VS Sanders. So we don’t know who would’ve won in ranked choice if all the other candidates stayed in. We only know that Sanders didn’t get as many votes as Clinton.
The majority of voters in America are moderate, not far right or left. For all the candidates to support the person with the best chances of winning is called strategy. For you to claim that the DNC made that decision for each candidate is a conspiracy theory.
I don’t see how the decisions of each individual candidate would be considered a decision of the DNC.
Interesting read. I was hoping for evidence though instead of anecdote. Also, I don’t see how it supports this claim:
Because the DNC put their thumbs on the scales and did everything they could to lock him out of the process while doing the opposite for Clinton.
It was a calculated decision to win the election and Biden won the election. It was a decision made by the individual candidates. Not the DNC.
I would vote for Bernie but America has more moderate voters than far left or far right. That needs to be considered when deciding the next candidate.
I would like for them to be doing better than this also but if the person I responded to based their argument on the false claim that democrats are losing all the elections then they have already lost their credibility and are arguing in bad faith. So it is reasonable to expect for a source for their other claims.
Half of the comment you responded to looks like it is in a different language. So you claiming the answer to my question is obvious looks like you’re dodging my question.
Wow I’ve never heard that. Do you have a source where I can verify?
The way I remember it Bernie didn’t have enough votes before everyone dropped out.
If you voted against facists then why are you acting like he is talking about you?
Because the DNC put their thumbs on the scales and did everything they could to lock him out of the process while doing the opposite for Clinton.
Source? The way I remember it Bernie didn’t get enough votes.
If the chosen, status quo DNC candidates are so popular, why do they keep losing or nearly losing all their elections?
Out of the last 5 elections they won 3.
If people won’t vote in their own best interest we get facsism.
“How could democrats do this to us?”
-“Leftists” on lemmy
And when cities get revenue from traffic violations, traffic violations go up. Funny how that works.
“video mirroring a study”
Ever seen a discussion about men complaining that they are assumed to be a threat just for being male get derailed by comments that it isn’t a problem worth complaining about compared to women’s issues?
No I haven’t ever seen that. But that would be an example of whataboutism so pretty shitty thing to say.
Or when the topic of how sexual abuse of boys is extremely common gets derailed as not really being an issue and dismissed by crime stats that often exclude non-penatrating sexual assaults?
No I haven’t ever seen thing either but again that is dismissive and a terrible way to invalidate a legitimate problem.
Yes it sucks when whataboutism is used to dismiss complaints, but it is also frustrating that the same whataboutism is used to silence discussion that is about the issues that men face.
So you feel whataboutism/dismissive responses are only used against men? Or do you agree that that is not a good way to respond to legitimate issues regardless of gender?
What are the corps and how would they change things?