You’re late lol. Phone assistants such as Siri, Bixby, Google Assistant etc. have already been AI search engines for years. People just didn’t really consider it until it got more advanced but it’s always been there.
You’re late lol. Phone assistants such as Siri, Bixby, Google Assistant etc. have already been AI search engines for years. People just didn’t really consider it until it got more advanced but it’s always been there.
Using Linux isn’t hard. Switching to Linux is hard.
Fractions are just funky when dividing. Dividing by 0.5 is the same multiplying by 2.
Your analogy is really close, but backwards is all. If you have a quarter of an apple. In order to get half a whole apple, you need another quarter. Two quarters make a half, so dividing a quarter by 0.5 gives you 2 quarters. Dividing a quarter by 2 gives you 0.5 of the original quarter which is your 1/8th
Yea but fuck the security torx screws. Also hot take, but underrated screw goes to tri-wing/Y. They’d be great screws if they weren’t security screws as well.
I think there’s now a law about the modernization/regulation of fast food restaurants. Just so we don’t have a bunch of leftover Pizza Hut buildings anymore when a store closes.
Jokes on you, they dont need to anymore :)
HDR and anti-cheats are the main reasons I can’t fully switch over. I am niche and particular about things so I do think I’d enjoy Linux if it weren’t for the games I play. I have an OLED display and too many hours in Valorant. It’s like I accidentally upgraded out of Linux.
Instead of having faith in God, I have faith in the next generation to do slightly better each time. I can’t really bring it to myself to tell my grandma there’s no heaven or hell and her entire life has been a lie. Ignorance is truly bliss sometimes.
Not quite homebrew, but SideQuest is the least hassle free solution for many alternatives and games.
Yup! Been telling people this for years. Similarly, you hate your own voice in recordings because you’re used to how there are bassy undertones that bounce in your head and get added on top of your voice. You can amplify your hearing of the bassier/muffled voice by just covering your ears and speaking.
Which means the trick for making your voice sound better in recordings is to just give it a touch of low end.
I still have my phone set that way. I turn off all notifications that aren’t messages. Though, I guess now it all goes through my watch first.
I see so many ads for malware bytes that it almost looks like malware itself lol. I’m pretty sure they have a lot of money.
Correct. That’s the nature of it, now add generational trauma on top and you get our current society. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.
Exactly this. As a dude, I sometimes feel like I have to be the one to stand up and say something because I have more authority in THEIR minds. I swear some guys just hear women speaking as white noise.
As a male, it’s somewhat our jobs to teach the next generation that this behavior is not okay.
Not saying you have to be super active about it, but it’s no wonder some women are afraid of men. They’re much stronger and sometimes just straight up unhinged from generations of telling other men to stfu, man up, and go to war to fight for your country for no reason.
It’ll take a few more generations, but I really do hope we can break this cycle of abuse. It does kind of help that women have become smarter with their rights and they’re not going to reproduce with these types of men, but clearly the issue is still relevant because rejection could lead to death.
That doesn’t mean that implementing fail safes would still be nice. I think Google has it so that your information can be dumped into another family’s email if the account hasn’t been active in 500 days or something along those lines.
Why not just have a select Steam inheritor account if inactive for more than XXXX amount of days. It could also crack down on dead steam accounts.
Then we teach them?? They’re not gonna know if we don’t be good role models for them, but doesn’t mean they can’t learn.
MacOS is really the only one I never understood unless you’re really tied to the Apple ecosystem.
I’d argue the “just use Linux” meme is more relevant for Mac users than Windows.
I want to love Linux as well, but it does require some troubleshooting skills I’m too lazy for these days Additionally, some of my games require anti-cheats that just don’t work on Linux.
Soda is such a fucking profitable scam because it’s mostly water and that resource is mostly free. The syrup and carbonation should be pennies compared to what it actually sells for.
Seriously tho, like reddit was autistic enough but now you gotta be even more niche enough to know about smaller better reddit.