Idk about peanut rubber but I remember learning about dandelion rubber that was used for tank treads among other things. Guess there’s a lot of plants that can get turned into rubber if you’re desperate enough!
should man encroach on the domain of god? perhaps by conquering heaven, man becomes the manifestation of god.
Idk about peanut rubber but I remember learning about dandelion rubber that was used for tank treads among other things. Guess there’s a lot of plants that can get turned into rubber if you’re desperate enough!
Misogyny of course and the typical reddit style of hating anyone happy and lashing out in bitter jealousy
Shit I did it again… This time I saw a lovely video of a woman proposing to her boyfriend while on a boat near Venice. That sounds great, right? Every comment in the thread is negative and critical. Why oh why do I ever open reddit??
Looks like the prophets from halo
The Holy Roman Empire. See for yourself
Third reich was not calling back to Rome but to the German empire that was dissolved after WWI
Few things feel as lonely as planning a big party and then everyone flakes. Doubly so if they decide to do something else without you. ☹️
I’m so grateful to my wife for not caring about that shit
Everyone I like still uses messenger. And a local support group I’m part of is on Facebook. I also use it to check for local updates especially during bad storms. Besides that I don’t touch it because my feed is 10% my relatives posting the dumbest shit anyone’s ever come up with and 90% sponsored/suggested shit that’s just thirst traps and rage bait.
Hey I keep the hat on to cover the massive dent in my skull from lacking a brain ;)
#10 is genius if you’re a chronic hat wearer ngl
😭 tfw no assassin bf
Love this. Definitely gonna get removed though
Most people who make YouTube videos do it as a hobby or side thing and not as their main profession. Can’t expect pro grade from a hobbyist ;)
“hey uh maybe we shouldn’t take our anger out on people who can’t defend themselves”
based on a true story
Something that doesn’t feel pain. A starfish maybe
I’m sure it works that way but I deleted my account long ago. Instead of curation I get rawdog reddit lol