I thought that was…
I thought that was…
I’m not sure if this is an obscure reference, but…
🎵 Iiiiiiffff yooooouuuuuu 🎵
*Want to take a picture of the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches on the britches of the boys who put the powder on the dawn of the sequel of the prequel of the reboot of the planet of the kingdom of the war of the dawn of the rise of the battle for the conquest of the escape from the planet of the apes… *
I feel personally attacked.
Yep, hence the preface. Just offering up an alternative to using software they’re concerned about in case they don’t know they have the option. 🙂
I’m going to assume that by the way you’re describing it, using an excel alternative is totally out of the question or simply not possible, but just in case it isn’t…
If you haven’t heard of it, check out LibreOffice.
Ten years ago I’d say “wtf” but then I had ube keso (purple yam and cheese) ice cream. I don’t understand why it is not awful and is in fact delicious, and now I think the only valid way to judge an ice cream flavor (within reason) is to ignore the list of contents and just taste it.
I have AussieBB and had to give them a call at one point to allow inbound traffic so I could expose my self-hosted server. They flicked a switch for my account and then everything came good.
If you give them a ring and explain what you’re trying to do it should get sorted out very quickly. Their customer service staff are very knowledgeable and friendly - they’re the best RSP I’ve ever had.
You may need to log out and log back in for the addition of the sudo group to take effect.
The default config sudo should be fine, but if the above doesn’t work then you may also want to look up “visudo” to check/modify the sudo config.