Maybe Iron Fist can cry less?
Maybe Iron Fist can cry less?
Holy crap
It’s funny how that reply, 5 years ago, would have probably been from someone on the right who also loved rolling coal. Now, that same reply can be from someone on the left.
If you feel comfortable doing so, you could ask for insight into why your application wasn’t considered. You can try to phrase it around making it a learning moment for you: Can you explain to me why my application wasn’t considered so that I can be better prepared the next time an opportunity arises? The person being asked the question will be less likely to see it was an attack and more of a humble question from a person who values their insight.
Oh shit I know her!
I loved the first 3 Burnout games. I HATED Paradise. I just greatly dislike open world racing games.
Because it’s not good at a single thing and yet tries to do everything. It’s slow, cumbersome, and poorly laid out in a way that discourages a productive workflow.
Microsoft rushed the hell out of it to ride that Zoom covid wave and never bothered to go back and figure out why not a single person you’ve ever met actually doesn’t mind it (nevermind likes it).
For like 4 people, at most.
I’m VERY excited for this. The entire Netflix universe was done so well, even if some things were better than others. The smaller, more grounded scale just makes it a more enjoyable story.
People do that so that the content doesn’t get shadow banned by automatic systems on social media.
I hate how much I laughed at this. I’m never growing up.
My wife is so excited for the snack wrap to come back.
I have the same issue. Brought it in and they cleaned the heck out of it. It’s better feeling though not perfect. I’ll bring it in under warranty another time because they said the process to replace the port takes like two hours and I didn’t have that time when I went in.
Smart woman.
At first I was like “this shit makes no sense and isn’t funny”
Then I got it and was proud of myself like I had actually accomplished something.
Take your fucking upvote and get out of here.
They don’t bend without pressure being applied. If you don’t have AppleCare+, you’re probably going to be beat.
Fuuuuck it’s addictive. Love that I get it with Apple Arcade.
I’ve never heard the term “genericized trademarks”
I’ve always heard and read it as proprietary eponyms.
I love how fast this is happening.
While there is drinking at the games, I don’t believe most people drink as much at baseball games as they do at soccer (football) games. MLB, especially, really tries to present itself as a family oriented sport.