Do you have recommendations for tutorials on this?
For raster imagery (and probably vector) I recommend imagemagick.
Do you have recommendations for tutorials on this?
For raster imagery (and probably vector) I recommend imagemagick.
They currently live in the US. So, whether they properly answered your prompt seems to depend on your definition of “your country”.
How about we steer toward better data privacy in general? Cars are collecting way too much data about us? So is everything else! We need sweeping legislation to claw back our privacy. We need a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a right to privacy.
There is one near me that is now a church.
They still exist, but the Pizza Hut chain and it’s remain restaraunts are shadows of what they used to be. Pizza Hut was awesome in the 80’s. Now the old one near my house is a church.
I don’t know Korea’s laws but this would likely be illegal in the US, too. It depends on whether it could be proven that you knew that the stocks were issued in error. And even if it wasn’t a criminal act, the company would be within their rights to recover the mistakenly issued stocks.
Amazon did. They kept the price the same, added commercials, then offered to remove the commercials for an additional $4/month.
Other instances hosted outside of Russia but available from inside Russia can still federated with them, though, right?
What do you mean by a “dismissive parenting style”?
Some of those people would have formed a militia to hunt down anyone who they suspected of being infected. It would have been a long, drawn out, paranoid massacre.
the nose is maybe strangely small, lips are a little off-putting
Well, I mean… It’s not THAT far off, is it?
Viruses have smuggled enough DNA into our DNA that 8% of the human genome is thought to derive from these events. Maybe that’s not the primary source of evolution, but it is a source of evolution.
I don’t really disagree, but I think that was the original intent of the meme; to show Crowder as a complete chode by having him assert really stupid, deeply unpopular ideas.
The meme’s use has become too soft on Crowder lately, though, I think.
Does anyone know of a good /r/askscience-like community on Lemmy? I’ve got lots of questions about horseshoe crabs.
I’ve never read much about horseshoe crabs before. I knew they were interesting, but they’re fascinating! Here’s a good summary of some of what we know about them:
Interestingly, because their environment is replete with bacteria and their circulatory system makes them particularly prone to infection, they have developed a zero-tolerance immune system. It kills anything it finds that is abnormal.
I wonder how much impact their immune system has on their stagnant evolution. Does killing all intruders reduce the likelihood of mutations by disallowing viruses and the mutations that they bring? Does their immune system know what their DNA should look like and immediately kill any mutations that it finds?
I’m curious about a bunch of things here.
Not if you disabled the sound so you could sneakily get online at night without your parents noticing! I was so happy when I figured that out and could quit nervously smothering the modem in pillows when connecting.
I don’t know if that always worked. I didn’t figure it out until we were on a 56k modem. Maybe it didn’t work with older modems.
Same for me, but I guess I’m a little younger since my console was NES and, later, a Gateway 2000 computer.
I’m so glad that I had those experiences and so sad that my son won’t. I hope that I can give him enough of a similar experience that he can at least identify with Calvin and Hobbes.