I hope I remember this moment in [10-50 years] when this song becomes a reality.
Future me: you expected this eventuality would come in your lifetime, but you’re still weirded out at the thought. Sounds too sci-fi to ever be considered normal.
I hope I remember this moment in [10-50 years] when this song becomes a reality.
Future me: you expected this eventuality would come in your lifetime, but you’re still weirded out at the thought. Sounds too sci-fi to ever be considered normal.
Topical satire go brrrrr
Probably treating as “forgetting to write down their steps” before jumping to cheating; presumably you’ve been teaching them to show their work and they forgot to do that here.
Give them the chance to show you how they solved it on the board, if they can then great! Give ‘em the points and send em on their way. If not, then give them a zero for that part of the test and move on.
just thinking logistically, I imagine that happened a lot. Anyway I expect a decent number of his calls were made by aides and he just took the phone after they got through to the right person.
Mundane* Missile
Badonkadonk is a big butt, friend, not boobs.
2D = DD
WoW sub included in game pass when???
“Progressive Catholic” talk about an oxymoron, emphasis on the moron…