We could easily use AI nowadays to identify trash in glass bottles at record speeds. Hell, there are models out there identifying cancer in cells right now.
Queer tiefling fire witch
We could easily use AI nowadays to identify trash in glass bottles at record speeds. Hell, there are models out there identifying cancer in cells right now.
“The snacks are too dry”
The stuff at the top of the basket goes first so I can reach the stuff at the bottom?
Remember Me
Exercise boosts endorphins.
Physical contact boosts oxytocin.
Sex does both.
My body does not do any of these
A certain fun guy is really nice for this, but start small
I prefer cotton leggings to poly, but that’s also because I work with fire a lot and polyester is dangerous around fire.
But aside from that specific case, cotton is so much comfier than synthetics, doesn’t trap heat, and lets your bits breathe. Also fewer microplastics. It’s t-shirt material.
(I agree with the other person though, for the love of FSM please stop asking about every single little detail related to leggings)
Just throw a short skirt on top, easy way to cover up :P
Negronis, I love campari and gin
I also love coming up with cocktails so I’d love to share one of my favorites, the Fire Eater (I’m also an actual fire eater)
The drink gets spicier as you drink. For the full experience eat the chilis at the end.
Software Engineering. 16 sigfigs across 64 bits
Ironically still common today, just subtle. Open up any Google Drive picker and look at the page DOM
Anything north of 34th Street is upstate, fight me
Step-cousins for extra pizzaz
I’m also on Team “these words have lost their meaning” but personally feel the opposite way from OP.
When people go out of their way to force inclusive language in a way that feels unnatural, and especially when I’m the only trans person in the room, it feels like I’m being singled out for my identity. I’m sure it’s being done with good intent but it makes me uncomfortable. It’s extra uncomfortable if they’re making (often incorrect) assumptions about my body in the process. I don’t need special language, the language already exists, I just want people to use it.
That said, I won’t fault someone for trying to be inclusive and always respect other people’s language preferences. But too much can be just as uncomfortable as too little.
(For context I’m 10 years MTF)
In the states, you’d probably be let go for something like this. At will employment means you can be let go for any or no reason, it’s total BS. Google just recently waited until a group of union members were in front of city council to fire them.
I have a really nice Bodum glass kettle that I use every day. I usually drink it with a bit of honey. For chai, black tea, and other dessert-y teas, I like to add a bit of milk (powdered or almond).
I really like disposable, compostable tea bags. They’re made of the same stuff as coffee filters. But tbh I use pre bagged most days because I’m lazy.
On special occasions we bring out the Yixing
You just need the charisma to make up for it. The world is big, put your ass out there. Someone, somewhere will want to pay to see it. Bonus points if it satisfies someone’s weird ass kink
You can do it, I believe in you
Same here. I’ll bring my friends to a local show and I always know half the cast. I got to introduce my friend to one of her inspirations a few days ago, and she cried.
I’m a performer so we all know each other
I’ve been using TP-link Kasa cams for a bit, I have four of them now. If you’re hyper conscious about security it’s probably best not to look at their EUC though, but otherwise I quite like them.
The other downside is that the newer models require a subscription, the older models don’t. I have the KC110 and KC120.