Nah, better to take psychedelics and improve yourself
Nah, better to take psychedelics and improve yourself
I read this in Gianni’s voice
I’ve struggled with putting my thoughts into words almost my whole life. Only in the last 2-3 years I started to actually get better (I’m 28 soon).
What could help is
I did both of these occasionally, but I think what actually helped me here was LSD, which I don’t recommend unless you’ve properly researched the (side-) effects, are aware of all the risks and have trusted source to get it from.
I think if you use a different camera app, like one of the gcam mods, it geta rid of Samsung’s terrible processing
You could also use Win10 with ReviOS, AtlasOS, Ghost Spectre etc. as an addition to your Linux partition
I don’t want features, I want the session restoration in Wayland to work properly 😭
You can get one in gnome too, via a plugin/extension (forgot the correctname for it)
Imagine if they just went to Nord VPN and got the data from them LOL
I thought this was a captcha at first lmfao
“Select the orgasm faces”
Ah yes, something being broken because of your previous attempt to fix it.
That’s a certified classic.
A Bluetooth controlled butt plug that runs Arch? 😩
Lenght or width wise?
I haven’t conviced myself of anything