TLDR: The Gestapo and Stasi
TLDR: The Gestapo and Stasi
Keyboard shortcuts mean memorising. Some people have issues with memory. On-screen buttons mean no memorising.
That’s the cool thing about Linux. You can customise it to your own needs and desires. Everybody is different.
Because the Swiss have famously never been fans of Nazis…
And risk burning yourself when the rubber wears out in 3 years and bursts?
Nah, get yourself one of those oat-filled microwavable teddies. Does the same job but with less risk of severe burns and doesn’t need replaced every few years.
“Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule.”
I was taught to repeat that phrase, at a normal steady pace, when I saw the back of their car go past something, to use as a marker (a signpost, the end of one of the lines on the road, whatever).
If you finish the phrase after the front of your car has gone past the same marker, then you don’t have a big enough braking distance and need to ease off a bit.
Dominance over the definition of the word dominance even
racism /rā′sĭz″əm/
- The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
- Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
- The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.
I know it’s just a dumb meme but how do you think racism starts? My experience is it tends to begin as “just a joke” until it’s normalised enough that someone feels comfortable enough to take off the mask and either encourage or perform discrimination and/or violence.
Why tolerate white racism when we don’t tolerate any other kinds?
Haha racism good when we play the reverse uno card, definitely nothing wrong with that…
How do you expect to convince white racists that racism is bad if you upvote things that are racist towards them?
Does it matter? Ultimately, these are estimates. Educated, data backed estimates, but still estimates.
One larger than expected volcanic eruption, coral reefs dying faster than expected, whatever, all it takes is one or two things to not go the way they’re expected and everything speeds up.
20 years or 25 years, the point is we’re all kinda fucked unless we do something about it.
What we need to do has been and will continue to be debated ad nauseam, but we know we must do something.
“A group of four of us around level 80”
Level 50 was the original maximum. You’ve completed the game. Presumably by now you’ve unlocked everything, of course it’s easier. Try starting from level 1 again and see how you feel.
Christians regularly ignore the 10 commandments, the most basic of rules in their religion. Of course they’ll ignore the stuff that means they can’t eat tasty pork
It validates that governments can see what’s happening on Telegram, and that makes Telegram a target.
They can’t go after the likes of Signal because they have very little to go on in the first place. They can’t say definitively what’s happening there as they can’t see any messages. Unlike Telegram.
It’s not a conspiracy that Signal are compromised, so they’re being ignored. They’re being ignored because there’s nothing to see, so governments might as well spend resources going after the apps where information is visible instead. At least they might get a result. E2EE apps are too difficult.
Signal only delivers a promise that their E2EE will be enough to make the information govts get useless.
Signal do more than just a promise. Their encryption techniques are available to see. You can confirm if it’s enough protection for you or not. Telegram are the ones making a promise. I’m not saying they’ve broken their promise (as evidenced by the arrest).
But it is just a promise when Telegram still has the ability to see messages. Signal can’t see messages and therefore don’t have to rely on a promise that can be broken (willingly or not). They instead rely on encryption, which appears to be far stronger than any promise could be.
For all we know, this is performative and the French government already has access to Telegram’s servers and can see everything. If they have access to Signal’s, oh well, they can’t see shit.
Energy costs many times what it did too
Perhaps for the consumer, not for the energy providers
What costs more? Gas or wind? Oil or solar? Coal or wave?
There’s a premium charged for new technology, sure. To cover R&D costs, new tooling, etc, but once the machinery is made, the fuel is essentially free. The wind blows itself, the sun has its own fuel, the tides move freely
Energy arbitrarily costs more because those that sell it have decided it costs more. Aka corporate greed, which is what this post is complaining about in the first.
I generally play on difficulty 6. It felt the right balance of difficulty, sample rewards, and enjoyment, for me.
I’ve been playing since release, so I’m a pretty high level now, and difficulty 6 was just starting to feel a bit too easy, and I was considering bumping up to level 7 as my standard difficulty.
Then this update came out, and I’m lucky to make it out of a level 6 alive! It’s very teammate dependent and I find the quality of teammates has significantly degraded. That could be due to a higher percentage of school kids playing vs adults I guess, as it’s the summer holidays, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying.
Basically, people need to communicate more and remember it’s a coop game. Ping the Bile Titans, Chargers, Impalers, there’s others on the team that can help. Tagging where you’re going on the map helps everyone coordinate. Microphones are not required, I use mine only when an in-game communication method isn’t available or I’m being swarmed but still need to say something, probably about once every two games.
I don’t enjoy the missions as much as I did before the update, and I think a lot of the blame rests on Arrowhead’s shoulders but the user-base also needs to step up and learn to cooperate more in this cooperative game. Don’t one-man-army a bile titan, don’t ignore teammates that have found a bunker door, work together to increase your odds of survival, success, super credits, samples, and ultimately, fun.
Old man rant over
On PlayStation you can hold R1 and use the left stick to point at the 4 o’clock position and your character will say “Thank you”.
Much faster than typing on a controller
“The only recourse you’ll have” is the whole point. You have no recourse on Reddit. There is no other Reddit server. There are many Lemmy servers, all over the world, with very different views and policies.