You should cross post this to /c/propagandaposters
You should cross post this to /c/propagandaposters
… that’s the fucking point, you twonk.
We have more than enough space and resources to grow for a long time. The majority of the limits we are stressing are inventions by the haves to keep the have-nots in check.
Blaming all our ills on some foreign influence instead of owning it as a part of you is the first step to underestimating its effects, and missing how best to fix it.
“Evil” is a human invention to excuse the inexcusable so we don’t have to face the dark parts of ourselves.
Yes, and if the kebab store pitched a fit every time someone provided a better product than them, calling that competition a monopolist, I’d have the same criticism of that kebab shop.
If they’re just doing their best to provide a quality product… I wouldn’t like that they have a monopoly, but if they’re not in any way abusing it… that sounds like they’ve earned their place. The problem lies in the people not putting forth enough effort (despite have the resources to do so) to match.
… because now your weird obsession with blaming Steam for all things going wrong with gaming has less ground to stand on?
So the systemic reason of… providing a quality storefront? Are you demanding that they just make things shittier so that other people have a chance?
This has got to be the most twisted criticism of Steam I’ve ever heard…
… right, which is why I said they want a monopoly, not that they have a monopoly.
Are they providing an actual alternative, or just creating a pseudo alternative then bitching about how someone else gets more attention?
Sounds like that was Sega.
That was on the developers, not the storefront, though. Epic has specifically decided they don’t give a flying fuck about Linux.
Steam is their scapegoat, they want a Monopoly without having to say they have a Monopoly.
If I could turn it off…
It was mostly curmudgeonly humor, but really it does take less effort in general to make comments than it does to make posts. So it would make sense that it would see less of a dip when people are busy. It’s easy to just jump on and make a few comments or participate in a discussion than to put the effort into making a post of some kind.
It really depends on the kind of person, though. I’d imagine some people find it easier to provide content than to comment on it or respond to others doing so.
Well, yeah. Posters actually put in effort. Commenters are lazy people who just shit out their terrible opinions.
How to be an insufferable cunt in 1 easy step!
How to dismiss a discussion you don’t like the direction of in one easy step!
Do you have anything meaningful to add, or just want to call people names because they’re not immediately agreeing with everything you say?
They were, yes.
See? Another similarity.
It was definitely a reaction to living under an authoritarian regime. The problem was that the reaction wasn’t “I don’t want this to ever happen again”, it was “I want to be the one in charge”.
Well one is a basic biological process, the other is something we made up to entertain ourselves and accumulate power.
The problem being that it wasn’t the exact opposite. In fact, they had a lot of things in common. The leaders of both being self-interested megalomaniacs who desired control of all things around them.
I thought we were saving kittens and puppies…