Learn your rules. You’d better learn your rules.
Learn your rules. You’d better learn your rules.
Scrooged anyone?
Colonel Paws Landa of the pspspsps
At least that switch is fast.
Learn your rules. You better learn your rules…
They aren’t having a goodyear anymore.
Seems like a couple people were working on this around the same time.
Extracts of the adrenal gland were first obtained by Polish physiologist Napoleon Cybulski in 1895.[94] These extracts, which he called nadnerczyna (“adrenalin”), contained adrenaline and other catecholamines.[95] American ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered adrenaline’s usage for eye surgeries prior to 20 April 1896.[96] In 1897, John Jacob Abel (1857–1938), the father of modern pharmacology, found a natural substance produced by the adrenal glands that he named epinephrine.
That’s what happens when you get a trademark approved that matches the scientific name for the hormone. It should be genericized.
As long as it’s stuffed crust.
Uh oh…uh oh…Definitely an oracle; tells the future. Uh oh. -RIP Robin Williams
Sounds like someone also forgot their towel.
Getting Greeced
Plenty of space in the parking lot, but the little cars go in the compact spot.
Guilty pleasure
Head restraint.
The complexity of this design cannot be outspoken.
Ride The Lightning