Since Huy Fong completely fucked over his pepper suppliers every batch is now wildly different so you never know how spicy a bottle is going to be!
Oh, that Stanley. Yea I have a bunch of their tools that I inherited from my dad.
Arguing that buying something means you own it is much more digestible for the general public. Arguing that the video game codes run slightly different on your machine than you would like is esoteric and a non-starter. This is not a matter for the government, just don’t buy shitty games. Literally no game is required to be bought.
This comment is all over the place. Can you clarify what you are asking for? My summary of what you said is:
“I like that different opinions are represented :). I don’t like this opinion being represented :(“
I don’t care about votes, I’m responding to the accusation that this topic is not proving the exact reason the fediverse exists in the first place.
I beg you to look into the censorship of this story in western media, the fediverse is proving itself to be censorship-resistant at this moment!
Edit: more international English
This is being censored on Reddit and Meta properties (Instagram, Facebook, etc.). The fediverse is proving its worth in the global class war. Don’t divide us with petty borders.
It’s being censored by most of the western internet, the Fediverse is proving it’s worth in this moment.
dIsTuRbInG mEsSaGe
I’m sure he paid a bunch of money. He also paid to be on Rick and Morty.
That requires introspection. Instead they say things like “the idiot that built this parking lot made the spaces too small.”
Medical professionals that spend an average of 6 seconds per case. And keep getting caught with revoked/expired licenses. And well outside their area of expertise (the classic example is failed dentists deciding on cancer treatments).
Apologies use the word “sorry” and take responsibility. This isn’t an apology.
I always appreciate when people try, even if they suck. All you can ask of someone is that they try, it’s a good philosophy for life as well. Otherwise you’ll just be angry all the time.