• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2024

  • Put simply, it’s like a translator that knows many of the languages Windows will speak. However, it’s not always fluent in every language it might speak. This is what proton does, it translates system calls into Linux, essentially. It almost always will work, specially with Steam games.

    In other cases, it’s game devs making desicisons to disallow use of Linux. Specifically anti cheat. Not all anticheat is disallowed, but game devs could allow it. They just choose not too.

    Most games will run just fine on Linux. I’ve switched entirely to Linux and said goodbye to those few online anitcheat games that disallow. Most everything works.

  • Its simple really. If you have an IP address on a torrent network, contact its owner. The owner of the IP will then be forced to contact the user… But if the owner doesn’t keep logs… Then they don’t know who the user is… And the claim can’t progress any further. But not all VPNs are created equal. Some keep logs. And that’s not good for privacy.

    For you not getting DMCA, you may use private trackers only. If not, maybe you got lucky, or you just ignored the emails from your provider or your provider doesn’t follow up with complaints.