I’ll bring hammocks
I’ll bring hammocks
My wife is a stay at home parent, she works way harder than I do on a daily basis. Whoever thinks parenting isn’t a full time job clearly has never had kids… or is full of shit if they have had kids.
<cough cough> single payer <cough cough>
Good tip. You’d think that I would get lucky every once in a while.
I feel like I’m cursed or McD’s is taking a huge nose dive. I haven’t had a good, hot, not-soggy, salty McDonalds french fry in like 2-3 years. Every time I go, the fries are super gross. I’ve taken several road trips and the only consistency I’ve experienced is how terrible the fries have been.
You should try FantastiCal
Long story short: WW2
The military required men to be clean shaven, which was partly tactical (proper gas mask seals), partly to whitewash the service (e.g., black men can have severe skin reactions to shaving every day), and had other benefits to unit cohesion and general order (routine personal fitness and hygiene).
Well, that stuck, and an entire (massive) generation of men and their male children were taught that to be good they simply had to be clean shaven. Those two generations make up the vast majority of business and political power in the US, so the idea of “success” and “power” was idolized by a clean shaven male. This was further accentuated by the counter culture reaction of this cohort’s kids in the 60s and 70s, where longer and unkempt “bad” hair was cast against this “good” clean shaven look.
Fast forward to today, those traditions and appearances have been baked into most of modern life. As the boomer population starts to fade away, so will the tyranny of the razor.
Well, how did it go?
Yes, pretty sure on both accounts.
I mean, this is like seeing the Dutch East India Company or Shakespearean London or the events of Les Mis in Game of Thrones.
In my mind, these are very distinct time periods. One has castles, the other had coffee.
Relax, show a willingness to learn and you’ll be ok.
I got my start working for university IT and made it all the way to a CS Ph.D. and into industry.