I got a pocof1 in late 2018-2019. I instantly installed lineageos and it’s still going strong!
I got a pocof1 in late 2018-2019. I instantly installed lineageos and it’s still going strong!
Electric wizard: Funeralopolis or Return trip.
A Starbook from Starlabs.
Linux>Windows Dota>LoL Conclusion: Linux+Dota=GG
I get ~8 hours on my starbook MkVI, with Bluetooth disabled.
I usually install MX or LMDE. MX KDE and LMDE Cinnamon on newer machines. MX xfce and LMDE xfce on older machiness.
Starlabs laptops are great. I can’t wait to see a review of thestarfighters laptop!
The MX Linux live USB maker should work well on Debian based distros.