“Take us to your leader!”
“Take us to your leader!”
Brought to you by luxury lectern spender (at taxpayer’s expense!) and Weird 34 sycophant Gov. Sarah Sanders of Arkansas.
I could see Weird Al answering the Witch of the North this question and being undeniably good. But why stop there? Great Weird!
The Great and Powerful Weird Al
Krusty wears respectable white clown makeup, not that petty orange bronzer. Krusty also grifts with real clown humor with his products that makes people laugh and not the kind of Sick-makes-you barf grifting of cheap bibles and intangible NFTs. Krusty is way younger and nowhere near as crazy.
Hoo Tee Dee!
“One! Two! FIVE!” “Three, Sire!” “THREE!”
A humorous joke like “Yes, Mrs. Thomas, we are Seal Team 6 and no, we don’t need a warrant because of who sent us.”
Llama llistening in the lliving room.
At the spud seance
Pro-tectin’ taters
This has Dorothy splashing water on the Wicked Witch of the West energy.