I mean the part with configuring Nix in a GUI is what Snowfall is trying to do and there are a lot of GUIs for Git as well.
I mean the part with configuring Nix in a GUI is what Snowfall is trying to do and there are a lot of GUIs for Git as well.
The wallpaper is here
Thank me later
Thanks you made me realize
English isn’t my mother tongue so I was kinda confused why something geographical was named after a medical condition
What is the tropic of cancer??
Android doesn’t allow that either nowadays. It’s just a matter of security. You wouldn’t want an unauthorized person to connect you to an insecure network or let them stop you from receiving important messages. Whether it’s worth it to force the user to log in is debatable though.
but it enhances thermal conductivity :)
For the particle itsself it’s even instantaneous!
Why are they celebrating the birthday of a television company?
Yea no shit because the government is led by aliens
What were you doing in Los Angeles?
I bought mine yesterday ':D
Jokes on you, this is what humanity has been doing for years. I have one at home as well.
With home row modifier keys you could get rid of yet abother row!
Blåhajs on jupiter!!!
Aight, didn’t know that. I cannot yet imagine any scheduled task that would require anything more advanced than cron (or a similar standalone syntax), but I’ll just trust you with that one.
I thought the same, but didn’t we already have things like chron syntax for this? Systemd didn’t have to build its own library.
You can look into mirrors in your dreams?
I freed my entire disk by removing the French language pack